安全 & 体面的工作

    We provide and support safe workplaces that respect the rights of everyone.

    Many of our supply chains are in emerging markets across rural areas, and can involve intermediaries and other third-parties. This makes eradicating labour issues complicated, however we continue to monitor our supply chain activities and where necessary, take remediation action. 

    Measuring Progress

    Our activities are broad, from working with farmers, to driving in challenging environments, processing and packing in factories, managing inventories in warehouses, transporting goods, and working in offices. 推荐几个足彩外围app承诺遵守国家法律和国际劳工组织(ILO)公约以及联合国全球契约的指导原则. 在最新的年度报告中回顾推荐几个足彩外围app在2021年全年的承诺和活动. 

    Partnering for Scale

    推荐几个足彩外围app将继续审查推荐几个足彩外围app自己的运营和供应链,以做出积极的改变. However, we cannot make the level of change required alone. 推荐几个足彩外围app积极参与多个行业倡议,并与客户合作,帮助他们减轻对环境的影响.

    Initiatives Supporting 安全 and 体面的工作

    Child Labour Monitoring

    Child Labour Monitoring

    童工监测和补救措施将在推荐几个足彩外围app在喀麦隆的所有业务中推广, in the first programme of its kind by a cocoa company.
    Providing 安全 Spaces

    Providing 安全 Spaces

    在暑假期间上学对大多数孩子来说并不是一件有趣的事, but for 13 year-old Nurcan Sekiz, it means a safe space to play and not work.
    The Fight Against Child Labour

    The Fight Against Child Labour


    International Day of the 非洲n Child 2022

    International Day of the 非洲n Child 2022

    This week is International Day of the 非洲n Child, 这一天提高了人们对改善非洲儿童教育的持续必要性的认识.
    Collaborating with Save the Children

    Collaborating with Save the Children

    Child labor in cocoa has no one cause. 其中往往存在复杂而根深蒂固的文化、社会和经济挑战.
    How to build a robust human rights system

    How to build a robust human rights system

    As a human rights specialist at the Rainforest Alliance, 我了解到,创造一个环境,让农业社区感到被支持,在没有惩罚威胁的情况下,大声说出虐待行为,更有可能导致童工案件被举报.

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